Of course, everybody’s knows about eBay. And most everybody knows what they do – some of us based on experience buying or selling on their site.
So why is eBay looking for fresh thinking?
That usually means that a marketer would rather come up with something fresh and compelling to say than spend more and more money shouting louder and longer about the same old thing. And eBay spends a lot.
My guess -- and it’s only that -- is that eBay the brand has become so familiar that it’s lost its punch. There’s a big difference between awareness and understanding. Understanding is the “What’s in it for me?” part of marketing. It’s what ad agencies try to get at with “creative” that compels people to want to do business with their clients.
I’m not a worldwide ad agency, just a guy in North Carolina with a blog about communicating competitive advantage. But for what it’s worth, here’s my tagline contribution to eBay’s global branding wish list:
eBay: The Easiest Way to Buy and Sell Your Stuff – All Over the World.
Easy Pleezy.
TakeAway: Freshen your message before your old one runs out of gas.
Tags: eBay, competitive advantage, Advertising Age, tagline, brand, branding, global branding, creative pitch, marketing
About Brian Faulkner:
He thrives on strategic communication problem solving, complex subjects, new ideas, concepts-as-products, challenging marketing situations and demanding deadlines. His "sweet spot" is smaller to moderate sized consumer products, retail, service and manufacturing companies that may have struggled to find just the right words to position their business, brands or products to competitive advantage.
Brian also is a three-time Emmy award winning Public Television writer and narrator of UNC-TV’s popular Our State magazine series, on the air since 2003.